Bodies Of Learning

C-DaRE Invites… Guy Claxton and Siobhan Davies

Bodies Of Learning: A conversation between Guy Claxton and Siobhan Davies as part of The Body and Science series for C-DaRE invites.

19 September 2024 14:00 – 15:30 BST Online – Microsoft Teams
Please register here:

Guy and Siobhan have enjoyed several talks together and remain curious about where they both are now in their various researches. This conversation will start with them discussing the wisdom of the body as it teaches us throughout our lives. The talk will evolve from there as they question each other’s thoughts and how their particular disciplines shape their researches.

Siobhan Davies is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University. For 50 years she has been a dancer, choreographer, film maker and researcher. As she has progressed she has understood how each of these disciplines merge into a whole study of what it means to be in movement not only with in the dance field but how we live our whole lives in relationship to all the other movements human and otherwise that we negotiate with. Davies has made over 70 works, initiated the making of a dance studio in London and won awards including a DBE . To her the most vital piece of learning has been how we can make situations in which a group can be, learn and make together using dance as the best medium they know.

Guy Claxton is a cognitive scientist, education thought leader and prolific author interested in expanding human intelligence through research, writing and education. He has spent most of his working life based in a variety of UK universities including Oxford, Bristol, King’s College London and Winchester. But increasingly his work has taken a more practical turn, and he have been involved with a wide range of organisations where a better understanding of human intelligence is needed.

Image: DSP Conference 2023 by Christian Kipp